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Crastinating like a pro

Are you a procrastinator? I am.

Why do you think that is? For me, it’s either because I don’t really want to do whatever it is, or I’m scared of my ability. Those perfectionist tendencies come to the fore, and sometimes it’s easier not to do the thing than risk doing it imperfectly.

Self-doubt is a big thing for a lot of us, but I think especially creatives, because there’s nothing tangible to benchmark our work against. And oh, how I’ve felt it.

I’ve felt it when looking through an amazing competitor’s website.

I’ve felt it when trying to implement the ‘Five Steps You Must Absolutely, Positively Do If You Want to Have Any Success in Work or Life’ from some internet article.

And I’ve felt it at the end of a full workday spent on social media and mindless internet surfing because I didn’t know what else to do.

But here’s the thing: it’s a vicious cycle. If you doubt you can do it so you don’t try and instead browse Instagram, you won’t do it and you won’t feel good about yourself.

So try this instead. The next time you’re feeling tempted to have ‘a quick break’ over on Reddit, or whatever your procrastination poison of choice is, insist that you do just one thing before you do it. It might be sending that scary email. It might be finishing that proposal. It might be coming up with just one concept. But do it.

Then when you’ve done it, celebrate the shit out of it, however you want. Give yourself a literal pat on the back. Have a couple of squares of chocolate. Really praise yourself in a way that makes you feel great.

How do you feel? Up to doing a bit more? Or still tempted to let your attention wander elsewhere? I’d bet that you’ll be just a little bit more inclined to keep working. But if not, hey, you’ve done that one thing. Good on you!

You can do this, because you’re amazing. Take a breath, and try again tomorrow.

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